
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 5/23/00

Series: Financial Management

Part 347: Travel and Transportation of Employees

Chapter 1: Travel Policy Issuance System

Originating Office: Office of Financial Management

347 DM 1

1.1 Purpose.

A. Objectives. The objectives of this chapter are to provide Department of the Interior (Department) policy and to identify Departmental responsibilities for implementing and issuing policies for travel and transportation, including relocation allowances.

B. Scope. The policies in this chapter apply to all bureaus and offices of the Department.

1.2 Policy. The Federal Travel Regulations, 41 CFR §301, §302, §303, and §304, their Supplements and Amendments (collectively, the FTR) are adopted by the Department as its basic travel and transportation policy and the policies contained in the FTR are mandatory for all bureaus and offices of the Department.

A. The contents of the FTR have the force and effect of law and may not be waived by the Department, General Services Administration (GSA) or the General Accounting Office (GAO) (37 CG 820).

B. Departmental travel policy required to implement the provisions of the FTR will be issued via Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget Memorandums. Guidance and procedures required to implement the FTR will be issued as Financial Administration Memorandums (FAMs). When appropriate, travel policies will be converted to the DM.

C. The Department issues clarifications to FTR policy and procedures primarily through the Department's FTR Implementing Instructions (DOI FTR Implementing Instructions). The DOI FTR Implementing Instructions are located on the Office of Financial Management's website {} and will contain all the material referenced in 1.2B and C.

1.3 Responsibilities.

A. The Office of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget is responsible for formulating and issuing overall policies, instructions, guidance, and procedures governing the Department's travel management program.

B. The Office of Financial Management is responsible for implementing all issuances from the Office of Management and Budget, GAO, GSA, Department of State or the Department of Defense that impact the Department's travel management program.

C. Bureaus are responsible for developing and issuing instructions and procedures for bureau travel management programs. Bureaus are also responsible for ensuring that bureau issuances conform to Departmental policies.

1.4 Travel Policy Issuances. The hierarchy and types of issuances for Departmental travel policy includes the following:

A. FTR - The FTR is the basic travel policy for bureaus and offices of the Department.

B. Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget memorandums will be issued to implement immediate or far reaching new policy or to announce a major Departmental travel policy revision. The policies and procedures contained in the memorandums will be converted to the DOI FTR Implementing Instructions or to a revision to the appropriate DM. The memorandums are addressed to the Solicitor, Program Assistant Secretaries, and the Inspector General. Information copies are provided to the heads of bureaus and offices.

C. DOI FTR Implementing Instructions will be issued on the Office of Financial Management website. These include Departmental policies, procedures, and directives of a continuing or permanent nature that further clarify the FTR but do not repeat requirements contained in the FTR. They are binding on the Department.

D. FAMs will be issued when urgent, temporary procedures and instructions are needed and to transmit other travel policy documents. They are distributed to the Bureau Heads of Administration, Finance Officers and other Departmental officials as appropriate. The FAMs are available for printing or downloading from the Office of Financial Management website.

E. Bureau/office publications. Bureaus and offices may issue policies, procedures and guidance materials to implement the Department's travel program. These issuances must be consistent with the Department's travel program.

F. Policy issuances and guidance from other agencies that may affect Departmental employees traveling under special circumstances will be included on the Office of Financial Management website.

5/23/00 #3307

Replaces Release Numbers 1477, 1484, 1511, 1537, 1615, 1707, 1735, and 2520

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