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Water Science for Schools

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Special Topics

Our Special Topics section lets you explore water subjects that, well ... they just don't fit under any of our other Water Science topics. So here they are. Choose a subject to explore from the pipe picture below; a text menu of topics is provided below the graphic.

List of special topics (menu is at bottom of screen, too). Acid rain. Quiz: How would you fix a water shortage problem? The fictional tale of how water is important in building a town. Saline water What is a watershed (or drainage basin)? What is hydrology and what do hydrologists do? Are raindrops shaped like teardrops? Effects of urbanization on the water system Water in the cities Data table: How wet is your state? Water quality Urban water quality Ground water quality Kid's view on a water quality problem Pesticides in ground water

Acid rain Water shortage! 'Storytime' Saline water Watersheds
What is hydrology? Are raindrops tear-shaped? Urbanization and the water system
Water for cities How wet is your state? Water quality Urbanization and water quality
Ground-water quality Kid's view of a quality problem Pesticides in ground water

Learn about the water cycle, with a diagram in over 60 languages. Investigate the water cycle (in many languages!)

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Take Pride in America home page. U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: Howard Perlman
Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-May-2009 16:22:22 EDT