WASHINGTON, D.C. – Below are the prepared remarks of U.S. Rep. George Miller (DCA),
chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, at a press conference to
introduce the House Tri-Committee legislation to reform health care, the America’s
Affordable Health Choices Act
Three weeks ago, we took a historic step forward in the critical quest to fix our broken
health insurance system. We presented a reform discussion draft to the Congress and the
American people.

Our three committees heard from over 70 stakeholders at hours of hearings on our draft.
We held discussions with our colleagues whose input has strengthened our effort.

Today, we are proud to introduce a health care reform bill based on our work so far, “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.”

Our bill embraces the desires of the American people and meets the goals articulated by
President Obama -- to lower costs, preserve choice, and expand access to care. And our
bill addresses America’s economic and fiscal health and the medical well being of our

Clearly, economic growth is compromised by spiraling health care costs and the rising
deficits fueled by unchecked and inefficient health care spending. That is why our bill
will curtail health care spending and be fully paid for. It will save more than $500
billion in health care expenditures that will drive down the cost of health care. And we
will not pass new costs on to future generations.

Let me be specific about what our bill means for average Americans:


• No more co-pays or deductibles for preventative care.
• No more rate increases because of a pre-existing condition, your gender, or
• An annual cap on your out-of-pocket expenses.
• Group rates of a national pool if you buy your own plan.
• Guaranteed, affordable oral, hearing and vision care for your kids.
• You can keep your doctor and your current plan if you like them.
• Your choices will be protected and enhanced. You will have access to a wide
variety of choices for quality and affordable plans, including a high-quality public
health insurance option to compete with private insurers.
• You and your doctors make health care decisions – not insurance companies.
• More family doctors and nurses will be able to enter the workforce, helping
guarantee you access to better treatment that meets your needs.
• Mental health care must be covered.
• Never again will you go without health insurance.
• You will have the peace of mind knowing that you will never lose coverage if you
lose a job or switch jobs.
• You will never be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
• And you won’t face any lifetime limits on how much insurance companies will
pay – meaning you will never again be one treatment away from bankruptcy.
And our reforms will cover 97 percent of Americans by 2019.

Beginning this week, our committees will mark up our respective areas of jurisdiction.
Our Republican and Democratic colleagues have already been busy drafting amendments
to the bill and they will have the opportunity to offer their amendments.

We will continue to improve our bill by working with those with constructive ideas and
will endeavor to satisfy the many competing demands that naturally accompany a bill of
this scope and importance.

Not every change can be included nor every concern resolved. That is the legislative

But we will -- this year -- produce a bill that is fair and fully paid for, that reduces costs
and preserves choice, and that expands access.

And it will be a major accomplishment for the American people.
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