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What’s Up for August? Meteors! What's Up for August? Meteors!

The Perseid meteor shower will dazzle in the early morning hours of Aug. 13. Plus, a popular planet shows up in the night sky.

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Space Age Volcano Monitoring Network Space Age Volcano Monitoring Network

If Mt. Saint Helens erupts again, a team of scientists and engineers will be monitoring with space age technology from NASA.

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From the Lab to the Moon

Before astronauts could walk its surface, NASA/JPL's robotic explorers had to fly past, slam into, and land on the moon.

Free Spirit - Measuring Progress Free Spirit - Measuring Progress

Engineers continue crab-driving a test rover at JPL in an effort to plan how to dislodge Spirit from loose sand on Mars.

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What's Up for July? What's Up for July?

Early astronomers like Galileo used telescopes to map the Milky Way galaxy. This month, you can see the Milky Way in the late evening.

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Several engineers testing the rover in the sand Free Spirit - Exploring Options

JPL engineers are trying out maneuvers with a test rover on Earth, to plan an escape on Mars for Spirit.

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Free Spirit: Into the Sandbox Free Spirit: Into the Sandbox

Rover Project Manager John Callas explains how getting a test rover stuck in a sandbox on Earth may help get Spirit out of a predicament on Mars.

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Aster image of Los angeles Cruising Over Los Angeles

Take a close-up tour of the L.A. area, courtesy of the space-based ASTER instrument.

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Cruising Over California Cruising Over California

Looking for an inexpensive stay-cation? Join JPL scientist Mike Abrams for a space-based flyover tour of California.

rover wheel on earth JPL's 'Free Spirit' Update

While the Spirit rover is embedded on Mars, engineers are working to create a 'Mars-scape' on Earth to test an escape plan.

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NASA's Cassini  detects salt in ice grains in Saturn's E ring. Briny Breath of Enceladus

NASA's Cassini has found salt in Saturn's E ring, hinting that the moon Encelaus could have an underground liquid reservoir, perhaps even an ocean.

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Mars Mars Exploration Rover Update

Being a rover on Mars, one can encounter trying times and triumph. Spirit and Opportunity are currently experiencing both.

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What's Up for June? What's Up for June?

Take a closer look at a glittering collection of hundreds of thousands of ancient stars in the globular cluster M-13.

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region showing active star formation Von Karman Lecture - Things We Know About the Universe

The structure and nature of the universe has puzzled and fascinated people for thousands of years.

Lecture overview

Mawrth Vallis Looking at Landing Sites for the Mars Science Laboratory

From space, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter takes a closer look at four possible landing sites for NASA's next Mars rover.

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