U.S. Soccer Envoys a Big Hit with Nigerian Youth - Transcript

Natural Sound: African drums

Title: “U.S. Soccer stars Lauren Gregg and Marcelo Balboa returned to Nigeria from November 29 – December 4, 2008 to conduct soccer clinics for coaches and youth on behalf of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Here are some highlights.”

Boys playing soccer (African music)

Men in yellow jerseys playing soccer (African music)

Lauren Gregg : Some of the things today, you’re not going to learn them today, but it gives you some ideas when you are playing by yourself.

Shot of Marcelo Balboa playing soccer with group of kids, kids shouting “whoo”

Marcelo Balboa (talking to group of kids): this will get easier…is that hard?

Four people dancing to African music with elaborate white outfits

Wide shot of girls playing soccer

Marcelo Balboa: over here come over here

Lauren Gregg: okay everyone over here

Group of girls, dressed in white shirts, gather around

Marcelo Balboa: we don’t want you guys to have…

Marcelo Balboa: Why do most of you hit it right here (pointing to forehead)

Lauren Gregg jumps

Marcelo Balboa: Look at the difference. Big difference isn’t it?

Lauren Gregg: it hurts

Marcelo Balboa: Watch when I hit the ball like you do

Marcelo Balboa throwing the ball back and forth with a Nigerian child

Shot of boy hitting the soccer ball with his head

Marcelo Balboa: Is he hitting it right?

Group of children from Nigeria screaming “Hi America”

End of movie, website appears, music continues

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