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What's New

                           (see Upcoming Atmospheric Conferences & Meetings)

Jan 15 , 2009:--Aura Science Team Meeting, Netherlands, September 14-17, 2009.

June 15, 2008:-- Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Tromso, Norway, June 29-July 5, 2008

June 1, 2008:-- China launched the Ozone mapping sensors 'The Total Ozone Mapper (TOM) and Ozone Profiler (OP)'  on a polar orbitting satellite (Feng Yun-3A), on May 26, 2008

March 15, 2008:--OMI Science Team Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, June 24-27, 2008

Jan 20 , 2008:--Aura Science Team Meeting,Columbia, Maryland, October 27-30, 2008.

Oct 1 , 2007:--Aura Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, California, October 1-5, 2007.

June 6 , 2007:--OMI International Science Team Meeting, UMBC, Baltimore, Maryland, June 6-9, 2007.

Sept 19 , 2006:--Aura Science Team Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, September 19-23, 2006.

June 20 , 2006:--The Aura OMI  Total Ozone Data Product OMDOAO3 and Level2G product OMDOAO3G (based on DOAS algorithm) is now available to the public.

April 17, 2006:The Aura OMI Level 2G total ozone data product, OMTO3G, is now available to the public. Each file contains an entire day of Level 2 data binned to a global 0.25° x 0.25° grid. All data information related to pixels that fall in each grid is saved without averaging. The Giovanni/OMI L2G interface provides an interactive data filtering capability (based on the quality flags of user's choice) and allows creating new daily averaged gridded product at desired spatial resolution. Spatial and parameter subsetting service is also available for ftp download.    

Nov 7, 2005:--The Aura Science Team Meeting on Atmospheric Constituents with Participation from ENVISAT, GOME, ACE in Den Hague, Nederlands, Nov 8- 10.

Sept 15 , 2005:--Aura Validation Workshop in Maryland, September 19-23, 2005.

Sept 1 , 2005:-- MLS Giovanni, a web based on-line visualisation tool, is now available for a suite of vertical profiles of trace gases from the Aura MLS.

May 26, 2005:--The first release of Aura MLS level 1 and 2 data (version 1.5.1) is now available at the GSFC DAAC. To obtain essential quality information on these data, and to initiate data access, please contact

May 20, 2005: UARS Celebrates 5000th Day!  Today marks the 5000th day of UARS in orbit.  The UARS spacecraft is still operating, with the HALOE, HRDI, PEM, SOLSTICE and SUSIM instruments still taking measurements.

April 29, 2005:--The Aura OMI  Total Ozone Data Product OMTO3 (based on enhanced TOMS V8 algorithm) is now available to the public. Other OMI products will be made public in the coming months.

April 28, 2005:- -Giovanni HALOE, an online webtool supporting UARS HALOE data, is now available. Users can display vertical profiles of ozone, water vapor, methane, NO2, NO, HCl, HF, temperature, and aerosol extinction profiles.

March 18, 2005:- - TOMS Giovanni , the GES-DISC DAAC Interactive Online Visualization and ANalysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) is available for visualization and analysis of Earth Probe and Nimbus-7 TOMS level 3 gridded 1.0° x 1.25° data.

July 15, 2004:-- NASA Aura satellite, carrying four ozone measuring instruments (OMI, MLS, HIRDLS, and TES) successfully launched today from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA

May 28, 2004:-- TOMS & SBUV reprocessed (Version-8) data is now available on DVD-ROMs.

April 6, 2004:-- NASA Aura satellite arrives launch site (Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA).

December 26, 2003:-- Abstract submission dead line for Quadrennial Ozone Symposium is extended to Jan 15, 2004

December 22, 2003:-- TOMS Improved Ozone Products from New Algorithm (Version-8) coming soon

October 31, 2003:-- ILAS-II, the ozone monitoring instrument on-board ADEOS-II, ceases operation due to loss of contact with ADEOS-II.

September 26, 2003:-- Antarctic "Ozone Hole" of the Year 2003, the second largest ever observed.

August 12, 2003:-- Canadian SCISAT Satellite carrying Atmospheric Chemistry Instruments ACE-FTS & MAESTRO Launched Successfully

March 28, 2003:-- What is New at the NASA Aura Mission Site

March 18, 2003:-- What is New at the NASA TOMS Mission Site


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  • Last updated: May 12, 2009 17:37:13 GMT