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The Landsat Program - Education


Below are a number of tutorials to help you learn how to use, process, analyze and understand Landsat data.

about Remote Sensing

The Landsat 7 Compositor
The L7 Compositor gives a visual explanation of color satellite images. This interactive site also provides information about the electromagnetic spectrum and the various wavelengths detected by the Landsat 7 satellite.
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing's Tutorial:
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
(external link)
The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing tutorial focuses on remote sensing technology and its applications. It is an interactive module intended as an overview at a senior high school or early university level, and touches on physics, environmental sciences, mathematics, computer sciences and geography.
The Remote Sensing Tutorial
The author of "Geomorphology from Space," Dr. Nicholas Short, Sr., has produced a comprehensive online remote sensing tutorial. This educational web site aimed at the undergraduate level is also an excellent reference for anyone ready to explore the fundamentals of this exciting science.
Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook
The Landsat 7 Science Data User's Handbook is a living document prepared by the Landsat Project Science Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Its purpose is to provide a basic understanding of the joint NASA/USGS Landsat 7 program and to serve as a comprehensive resource for the Landsat 7 spacecraft, its payload, the ground processing system, and methodologies for rendering Landsat 7 data into a form suitable for science.

How to Obtain and Use Free Landsat Data

MultiSpec © Tutorials (external link)
You can learn to create your own Landsat images from data, and to analyze those images with MultiSpec (© Purdue Research Foundation). This free software for either PC or Mac can be downloaded from Purdue University's MultiSpec© website (external link). In addition to tutorials on the MultiSpec website, a free introductory tutorial (external link), created by DHB Associates, is available. This tutorial uses animations and interactive elements to demonstrate the functions of MultiSpec and how you can use them to investigate and analyze Landsat images.
Create a Data Set
This web page is intended to help users find, download, import, and use free Landsat data for almost any land surface in the world using a freeware software program, MultiSpec©. THIS DOCUMENT IS CURRENTLY IN DRAFT FORM.
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