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Web-Based Interactive Data Access and Data Analysis Tools

  • Giovanni (online visualization and analysis system at ACDISC): creates images and extracts data for user selected subset regions, plots zonal averages and time series, and generates animations. This system is available for data products from MODIS, TOMS, SeaWiFS, and TRMM. However similar interface is being developed for products from AIRS, HALOE, and Aura Sensors)
  • NADM Near Archive Data Mining (web portal to the EOS data pool, it also enables registered users to submit and execute their data mining algorithm codes on the EOS data residing in the data pool).

Software and Tools for Data in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)

  • HDF Sofware & Tools (a comprehensive list of tools)
  • hdf_reader & h5_reader (a command line program in C language to view the contents of an HDF4 & 5 file, as well as to subset the data therein, and save it as an ASCII or binary data)
  • atmos_h4 & h5 (a general purpose simple IDL based program for accessing, subsetting and visualizing data from HDF4 & HDF5 based files)
  • omi-disp (an IDL-based visualization tool for OMI total ozone)
  • geoview (an IDL based mapping program for MODIS ozone & other products)
  • HDFView (a graphic utility designed for viewing and editing the contents of HDF 4 & 5 and HDF-EOS files. It is able to subset and save it into HDF, ASCII and binary files)
  • HDFLook HDFLook can visualize structures of an HDF file including: scientific data sets (SDS), vector arrays (Vdatas and Vgroups), and raster images (24 bits or 8 bits with a look-up table). HDFLook can visualize slices of data (up to 6 indexes), display global and local attributes, and automatically detect fill values. HDFLook can also extract SDS ancillary data, export (raw or calibrated) SDS records to binary or HDF files, build reprojected SDS or RGB mosaics, export RGB images to JPEG or HDF files, and print RGB images. For programmers who routinely want jpgs or binary files, HDFLook can be run non-interactively with simple command files to routinely make images or export binary files from hdf.
  • HE5View(a Java-based tool for browsing and editing HDF5 files)
  • LinkWinds (for Linux & Unix Platform only)
  • WebWinds (for several platforms)
  • Simple HDF Dump & Converter Utilities from NCSA (command line utilities for HDF 4&5 files, for example h5dump, h5ls, h5toh4, h4toh5)

Other Analysis Tools for Binary and ASCII Data Formats

  • GrADS (Grid Analysis & Display System designed to handle many data types)
  • MSPHINX (multifunctional data and image analysis tool)
  • ImageJ (takes all data types,e.g 8-bit, 16-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit floating-point and 32-bit with capability of bit swapping; also opens and edits all graphic images as raw data, displays a "stack" of related images in a single window, and processes an entire stack using a single command; runs on Linux, Mac and Windows).

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  • Last updated: November 14, 2008 21:11:01 GMT