NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ask an Astrobiologist
"Would fossil stromatolites or any other signs of bacterial activity be detectable on Mars using the existing probes and landers?"
  1. Content with the tag: “atmosphere

  2. Stability of methane hydrates in the presence of high salinity brines on Mars

    ROADMAP OBJECTIVES: 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 7.1, 7.2
  3. Marine Methane Oxidation Without Sulfur

    A new study in the current issue of Science from NAI’s Penn State team shows that the anaerobic oxidation of methane is not solely a sulfate-dependent process. Microbes cultured from marine methane seeps in California’s Eel River Basin have demonstrated capability of using manganese and iron to oxidize methane to carbon dioxide. These same compounds may have been key to methane oxidation in the early, oxygen-less days of Earth’s atmosphere.

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  4. Organic Haze, Glaciations and Multiple Sulfur Isotopes in the Mid-Archean Era

    Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman (NAI PSU team), J.F. Kasting (NAI PSU team), D. T. Johnson (NAI CIW team), and J. Farquhar (NAI CIW and UCLA teams) have just published an article Organic haze, glaciations and multiple sulfur isotopes in the Mid-Archean era in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. The team used sulfur isotope signatures within ancient sediments and a photochemical model of sulfur dioxide photolysis to interpret the evolution of the atmosphere over the first half of Earth’s history.

    Source: [Link]

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