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  • 2004 Webcast Training on the Radionuclides Rule
  • 2007 Radionuclide Implementation Workshops

    EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water conducted five on-site Radionuclides Implementation Workshops in the spring of 2007. The training sessions wereintended for state drinking water program and radiation program personnel, but were also open to technical assistance providers and system operators.  Though rule requirements were reviewed, the focus of the workshops was on treatment technologies and residual disposal options and regulations.

    The sessions also provided real world experience through examples, case studies and State specific presentations. In addition to downloading the presentations below, one can order a CD of the presentations. Please read the disclaimer prior to reviewing the radionuclide workshop presentations. 

    Radionuclides Implementation Workshop Disclaimer — Handout PDF (1pp 10KB)

    Radionuclide Implementation Workshop Presentations

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