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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

News List
  • Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Open Enrollment Approaching
    Nov 5, 2006  - On November 15th seniors across the Fourth District will once again be able to sign up for the Medicare prescription drug benefit.  Seniors who do not yet have prescription drug coverage should take this opportunity to consider enrolling in the program. Over 79,000 Medicare beneficiaries are curre... More
  • Coal Liquefaction: Kentucky’s Answer to Our Nation’s Energy Crisis
    Oct 30, 2006  - I was pleased to welcome U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman and Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy Jeffrey Jarrett to Ashland last week for an important forum on coal liquefaction.  As our nation seeks to lessen its dependence on foreign oil, implementing technologies such as coal l... More
  • Congressman Geoff Davis Welcomes U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman to Ashland, KY
    Oct 27, 2006  - Ashland, KY  –  Congressman Geoff Davis was pleased to welcome U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman and Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Jeffrey Jarrett to Ashland, Kentucky for an energy summit today.  At the summit, Congressman Davis, Secretary Bodman and Assistant Secretary Ja... More
  • Congressman Davis Praises Border Security Legislation Being Signed into Law
    Oct 27, 2006  - Yesterday, H.R. 6061, the Secure Fence Act, was signed into law.  This bill is an important step to curbing illegal immigration.  On September 14, the House passed the H.R. 6061 by a vote of 283 to 138.  This law strengthens our nation’s border security. During the month of August, Congressional fi... More
  • Congressman Davis Welcomes Education and Workforce Chairman Howard “Buck” McKeon to the Fourth District
    Oct 26, 2006  - Ft. Mitchell, KY – Congressman Geoff Davis welcomed U.S. House of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee Chairman Howard “Buck” McKeon to the Fourth Congressional District today. At Boone County’s Ralph Rush Professional Development Center, Congressman Davis and Chairman McKeon participa... More
  • Fueling Economic Growth
    Oct 17, 2006  - Last week, the Office of Management and Budget announced the nation’s deficit had been cut in half –three years ahead of schedule.  Reducing our nation’s deficit is the direct result of pro-growth policies.  These policies consist of fiscal restraint, effective energy legislation, and lowering taxes... More
  • Ongoing Efforts to Combat Illegal Immigration
    Oct 10, 2006  - Before Congress adjourned, we took important steps to strengthen our nation’s border security.  Stopping the influx of illegal immigrants is a top priority for me. The House and Senate, in an effort by House leadership to deliver border security legislation to the President’s desk, passed the Secur... More
  • Update on Progress in Iraq and the U.S. Economy
    Oct 6, 2006  - Iraq Update: Political Progress 10/6/06 Last Weekend, the Iraqi Prime Minster Announced a Four Point Plan to Promote Party Unity and Ultimately End Sectarian Violence: “Prime Minister Maliki, flanked by key political parties and religious sects, signed a pledge aimed at ending internal battles th... More
  • Congressman Davis Receives Award for Work on Pro-Job, Pro-Growth Issues in Congress
    Oct 4, 2006  - Congressman Geoff Davis recently received the National Association of Manufacturers’ Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence.  This award recognizes Congressman Davis’ advocacy in Congress for policies that create jobs and stimulate growth in the 4th Congressional District.  “Davis’ voting ... More
  • Article: Treatment plant builds bridge between Republicans, Democrats at each level
    Oct 3, 2006  - The Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant demonstrated to local, state and federal government officials what can be done when working together to serve a region of taxpayers and citizens Monday. "It's one of the greatest things I've ever been involved with," Carrollton Mayor Ann Deatherage said. The... More