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USGS Solicitation for LDCM Science Team Released

Apr. 21 • The Department of Interior (DOI) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently finalized procurement plans for the selection of a Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Science Team. This DOI/USGS Request for Proposals (RFP) for the science team was released today. All proposals must be submitted by June 2, 2006.

The science team members will serve as scientific investigators who advise the USGS and NASA on LDCM mission issues such as LDCM data collection, product access, product format, and scientific applications. The science team is also expected to provide counsel on synergistic opportunities between LDCM and the other Earth observation missions.

For more information about the LDCM science team, please visit the USGS LDCM website.


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