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TOMS and SBUV DVD-ROM Data Access

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This page allows you to order the version 8 TOMS level 3 gridded data and the SBUV level 2 data on DVD-ROM. You must have a DVD reader to access these data. Allow up to two weeks for order to be processed and shipped.

Note the following link will take you to another web site outside the DAAC:
The level 3 gridded TOMS data are also available on-line via FTP download from the NASA/GSFC Ozone Processing Team.

DVD-ROM Description Select to Order
TOMS DVD-ROM Cover This is a two disk DVD-ROM set containing the version 8 TOMS ozone, aerosol, reflectivity and UV eythemal data and images from the Earth Probe (July 1996 - Aug. 2003), Nimbus-7 (Nov. 1978 - May 1993) missions.
SBUV DVD-ROM Cover This DVD-ROM contains the version 8 Nimbus-7 SBUV data (1978-1990), as well as the data from the SBUV/2 instruments flown on NOAA-9a (1985-1989), NOAA-9d (1992-1998), NOAA-11 (1988-2001) and NOAA-16 (2000-2003).


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