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August 2, 2006

Press Contacts
Eileen Maxwell,
Mamie Bittner,

Comments Requested on Plan to Consolidate NCLIS and Statistics Programs into IMLS

Deadline for Comments: August 31, 2006

Washington, DC—The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is requesting comments on a draft plan for the consolidation into IMLS of the functions of the National Commission on Library and Information Science (NCLIS) and the public and state library statistics surveys of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The plan, which would go into effect in fiscal year 2008, results from President Bush’s fiscal year 2007 budget request.

NCLIS currently advises the President and Congress on national and international library and information policies, assesses library and information resources and services, and develops overall plans for meeting national library and information needs. One of the commission’s main functions is to work cooperatively with the NCES in implementing the Library Statistics Cooperative Program (LSCP). NCES formally initiated and funded LSCP in 1989. It includes surveys on academic libraries, public libraries, school library media centers, and state library agencies. NCES works collaboratively with the Census Bureau and NCLIS to plan survey content and to collect, process, and disseminate the data.

As the primary federal agency dedicated to library service, IMLS is committed to the successful continuation of these statistics programs, and to assuming the responsibility of national library and information policy. Developing information policy that supports lifelong learning in our knowledge society is core to the authority provided to IMLS by the Museum and Library Services Act. The Administration’s consolidation proposal enhances the agency’s role in public and state library data collection and establishes IMLS as the key federal agency with responsibility for library and information policy.

In calling for the consolidation of NCLIS and the two NCES surveys into IMLS, the President’s budget request states the Administration’s belief that , “this move will strengthen federal library policy efforts and enhance our national research capacity on domestic and international library trends.”

Comments on the draft plan, which can be viewed in PDF format, should be sent by August 31, 2006 to:

Rebecca Danvers, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Research and Technology
Institute of Museum and Library Services
1800 M St., NW, 9th floor
Washington, DC 20036
fax: 202-653-4625

and to:

Mary Downs, Ph.D.
Research Officer
Office of Research and Technology
Institute of Museum and Library Service,
1800 M St., NW, 9th floor
Washington, DC 20036
fax: 202-653-4625

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. Its mission is to grow and sustain a “Nation of Learners” because life-long learning is essential to a democratic society and individual success. Through its grant making, convenings, research and publications, the Institute empowers museums and libraries nationwide to provide leadership and services to enhance learning in families and communities, sustain cultural heritage, build twenty-first-century skills, and increase civic participation. To learn more about the Institute, please visit:

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