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Updated February 15, 2006

CPB Contact: Michael Levy, or (202) 879-9758
IMLS Contact: Mamie Bittner, or (202) 653-4630

Partnership Sponsors Series of Professional Development Interactive Sessions

WASHINGTON, DC--The Partnership for a Nation of Learners (PNL), a leadership initiative of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), will sponsor a series of five, monthly one-hour professional development Interactive Sessions designed to help local museums, libraries and public broadcasters work collaboratively to address local needs.

The Interactive Sessions build on the highly successful Partnership for a Nation of Learners Community Collaboration Videoconference in November 2005. Approximately 2000 public broadcasters, librarians, museum professionals and community representatives participated in the video conference at 72 sites across the country -- all focused on how to work together to leverage their assets and address community needs. The schedule for the Interactive Sessions is as follows:

January 19, 2006 1:00-2:00 PM, ET
PNL Professional Development Interactive Session One: “Getting Started with Community Collaboration”

This first Interactive Session will explore the genesis of collaboration, the benefits of partnering and the identification of each organization’s most valuable assets. Through practitioner presentations, discussion and question and answers, participants will broaden their understanding of a collaborative project’s initial phase.

February 7, 2006 2:00-3:30 PM, ET
PNL Professional Development Interactive Session Two: “Recognizing the Need”

March 9, 2006 2:00-3:30 PM, ET
PNL Professional Development Interactive Session Three: “Gathering the Talent”

April 12, 2006 2:00-3:30 PM, ET
PNL Professional Development Interactive Session Four: “Designing for Impact”

May 11, 2006 2:00-3:30 PM, ET
PNL Professional Development Interactive Session Five: “Managing for Success”

Visit for information about funding, a tutorial on partnership and more.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private, nonprofit corporation created by Congress in 1967, is the steward of the federal government's investment in public broadcasting. It helps support the operations of more than 1,000 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations nationwide, and is the largest single source of funding for research, technology, and program development for public radio, television, and related on-line services.

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. Its mission is to grow and sustain a “Nation of Learners” because life-long learning is essential to a democratic society and individual success. Through its grant making, convenings, research and publications, the Institute empowers museums and libraries nationwide to provide leadership and services to enhance learning in families and communities, sustain cultural heritage, build twenty-first-century skills, and increase civic participation. To learn more about the Institute, please visit:

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