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Looking for Press Release photos?
Our redesigned site now offers an easy-to-navigate browse menu and several search options to help you locate photos.

Looking for Earth photos?
Our Earth photos have moved to the larger Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a collection of more than 500,000 photos taken from the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.

Looking for old 8-digit photo numbers?
We no longer employ the arbitrary 8-digit photo numbers previously seen on this site (ex.: 10032456.jpg). Our photos now conform to the NASA standard of using the official NASA Photo ID as the filename. If you are trying to locate a specific photo and all you have is the old number, try our new Photo ID Lookup utility to find the new number, or contact us for assistance.

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skipToFooter Skip to Main Menu Responsible NASA Official: Maura White
Curator: Orlando Bongat
Last Update: 11/1/2006

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