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Contact precautions in hospitals. In: Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Massachusetts.


  • Contact precautions in hospitals. In: Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction, JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Massachusetts. Part 1: final recommendations of the Expert Panel. Boston (MA): Massachusetts Department of Public Health; 2008 Jan 31. p. 50-3.


This is the current release of the guideline.



 Go to the Complete Summary



Note from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) and the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC): Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Massachusetts guideline has been divided into individual summaries. In addition to the current summary, the following are available:

Level of evidence ranking (I – V) and strength of recommendation ranking (A – D, Unresolved issue [UI], No recommendation) definitions are presented at the end of "Major Recommendations" field.

General Principles

  1. In addition to Standard Precautions, use transmission-based precautions for patients with documented or suspected infection or colonization with highly transmissible or epidemiologically-important pathogens for which additional precautions are needed to prevent transmission (see Attachment B in the original guideline document for type and duration of precautions recommended for multi-drug resistant organisms [MDROs], infection or colonization). A-IV*
  2. Extend duration of transmission-based precautions, (e.g., droplet, contact) for immunosuppressed patients with viral infections due to prolonged shedding of viral agents that may be transmitted to others. A-IV*

Contact Precautions

  1. Use Contact Precautions as recommended in Appendix A (2007 HICPAC Isolation Precaution Guidelines pages 93-113) for patients with known or suspected infections or evidence of syndromes that represent an increased risk for contact transmission. For specific recommendations for use of Contact Precautions for colonization or infection with MDROs, go to the MDRO guideline (Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings Guideline). A-IV (Siegel et al., 2006)

Patient Placement

  1. In acute care hospitals, place patients who require Contact Precautions in a single-patient room when available. B-IV*

    When single-patient rooms are in short supply, apply the following principles for making decisions on patient placement:

    1. Prioritize patients with conditions that may facilitate transmission (e.g., uncontained drainage, stool incontinence) for single-patient room placement. B-IV*
    2. Place together in the same room (cohort) patients who are infected or colonized with the same pathogen and are suitable roommates. B-IV*
    3. If it becomes necessary to place a patient who requires contact precautions in a room with a patient who is not infected or colonized with the same infectious agent:
      • Avoid placing patients on contact precautions in the same room with patients who have conditions that may increase the risk of adverse outcome from infection or that may facilitate transmission (e.g., those who are immunocompromised, have open wounds, or have anticipated prolonged lengths of stay). B-IV*
      • Ensure that patients are physically separated (i.e., >3 feet apart) from each other. Draw the privacy curtain between beds to minimize opportunities for direct contact.) B-IV*
      • Change protective attire and perform hand hygiene between contact with patients in the same room, regardless of whether one or both patients are on contact precautions. B-IV*
    1. In ambulatory settings, place patients who require contact precautions in an examination room or cubicle as soon as possible. B-IV*

Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


  1. Wear gloves whenever touching the patient's intact skin or surfaces and articles in close proximity to the patient (e.g., medical equipment, bed rails). Don gloves upon entry into the room or cubicle. B-IV*


  1. A. Wear a gown whenever anticipating that clothing will have direct contact with the patient or potentially contaminated environmental surfaces or equipment in close proximity to the patient. Don gown upon entry into the room or cubicle. Remove gown and observe hand hygiene before leaving the patient-care environment. B-IV*
  2. B. After gown removal, ensure that clothing and skin do not contact potentially contaminated environmental surfaces that could result in possible transfer of microorganism to other patients or environmental surfaces. B-IV*

Patient Transport

  1. A. In acute care hospitals and long-term care and other residential settings, limit transport and movement of patients outside of the room to medically-necessary purposes. B-IV*
    B. When transport or movement in any healthcare setting is necessary, ensure that infected or colonized areas of the patient's body are contained and covered. B-IV*
    C. Remove and dispose of contaminated PPE and perform hand hygiene prior to transporting patients on contact precautions. B-IV*
    D. Don clean PPE to handle the patient at the transport destination. B-IV*

Patient-Care Equipment and Instruments/Devices

  1. A. Handle patient-care equipment and instruments/devices according to standard precautions. B- IV*
    B. In acute care hospitals and long-term care and other residential settings, use disposable noncritical patient-care equipment (e.g., blood pressure cuffs) or implement patient-dedicated use of such equipment. If common use of equipment for multiple patients is unavoidable, clean and disinfect such equipment before use on another patient. B-IV*
    C. In ambulatory settings, place contaminated reusable noncritical patient-care equipment in a plastic bag for transport to a soiled utility area for reprocessing. B-IV*

Environmental Measures

  1. Ensure that rooms of patients on contact precautions are prioritized for frequent cleaning and disinfection (e.g., at least daily) with a focus on frequently-touched surfaces (e.g., bed rails, overbed table, bedside commode, lavatory surfaces in patient bathrooms, doorknobs) and equipment in the immediate vicinity of the patient. B-IV*

Discontinue Contact Precautions

  1. No recommendation can be made as to when to discontinue contact precautions for both multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) (see Attachment B in the original guideline document) and Clostridium difficile. B-IV*

*Identifies evidence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s updated guidelines without repeating the detailed literature review process.


Level of Evidence Ranking

Level I: Strong evidence from at least one well-designed randomized controlled trial

Level II: Evidence from well-designed non-randomized trials; cohort or case-controlled analytic studies (preferably from >1 center); multiple time-series studies

Level III: Well-designed descriptive studies from more than one center or research group

Level IV: Opinions of authorities (e.g., guidelines), clinical evidence; reports of expert committees

Level V: No quality studies found and no clear guidance from expert committees, authorities or other sources

Strength of Recommendation Ranking

Category A: Strongly recommended

Category B: Recommended for implementation

Category C: Consider for implementation

Category D: Recommended against implementation

Category UI: Unresolved issue

No recommendation: Unresolved issue. Practices for which insufficient evidence or no consensus regarding efficacy exists.


None provided




The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").



  • Contact precautions in hospitals. In: Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction, JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Massachusetts. Part 1: final recommendations of the Expert Panel. Boston (MA): Massachusetts Department of Public Health; 2008 Jan 31. p. 50-3.


The guideline was adapted from: Siegel, J. D., E. Rhinehart, et al. (2007). 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Health Care Settings. Am J Infect Control 35(10 Suppl 2): S65-164.


2008 Jan 31


Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction - State/Local Government Agency [U.S.]
Massachusetts Department of Public Health - State/Local Government Agency [U.S.]


Massachusetts Department of Public Health


Massachusetts Healthcare-Associated Infections Expert Panel


Panel Members: Richard T. Ellison III, MD (Chair) Hospital Epidemiologist, Professor of Medicine, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center; Mary Ellen Scales, RN, MSN, CIC (Vice-Chair) Manager, Infection Control, Baystate Medical Center; Mary Alexander, RN, Chief Executive Officer, Infusion Nurse's Society; Eric Alper, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center; Evie Bain, RN, Occupational Health & Safety, Massachusetts Nurses Association; Anne Baras, RN, Surgical Technology Department Chair, North Shore Community College; Karen Boudreau, MD, Medical Director, Healthcare Quality Improvement, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA; Ann Marie Bourque, NP, President, New England Chapter of the National Conference of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners; Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, MD, Medical Director, Infection Control Division Chief, Cambridge Health Alliance; Wanda Carey, RN, BSN, CIC, Manager, Infection Control, Caritas Norwood Hospital; Philip Carling, MD, Director, Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, Caritas Carney Hospital; Donald Craven, MD, Chair, Infectious Disease, Lahey Clinic; Jane Foley, RN, Director of Operations, Nursing, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center; Denise Graham, Sr. Director Public Policy, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology; Paula Griswold, MS, Executive Director, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors; David Hooper, MD, Internal Medicine/ID, Massachusetts General Hospital; Linda Kenney, President, Executive Director, Medically Induced Trauma Support Services; Jim Liljestrand, MD, Medical Director, Quality Improvement, MassPro; Michael Mitchell, MD, Director, Microbiology Services, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center; Sharon-Lise Normand, PhD, Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard Medical School; Richard Olans, MD, Director, Infectious Disease, Hallmark Health Hospitals; Gail Potter-Bynoe, BS, CIC, Manager, Infection Control, Children's Hospital Boston; Selwyn Rogers, MD, Division Chief, Trauma, Burns, and Surgical Critical Care, Director, Center for Surgery and Public Health, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Jeannie Sanborn, RN, MS, CIC, Infection Control Professional Heywood Hospital; Thomas Sandora, MD, Pediatric ID, Children's Hospital Boston; Kenneth Sands, MD, Senior Vice President, Health Care Quality, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center; Christine Schuster, RN, CEO and President, Emerson Hospital; David Smith, MHSA, Senior Director, Health Data Analysis & Research, Massachusetts Hospital Association; Carol Sulis, MD, Hospital Epidemiologist, Associate Professor of Medicine, Boston Medical Center; Thomas Sullivan, MD, Cardiologist in Private Practice, Women's Health Center Cardiology (Danvers)


Not stated


This is the current release of the guideline.




None available


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI Institute on October 3, 2008. The information was verified by the guideline developer on December 22, 2009.


No copyright restrictions apply.



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