United States Senate Committee on
Energy and Natural Resources
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Hearings View By Month
January 2009

8th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on current energy security challenges (Hearing Room SD-366)
13th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider the nomination of Steven Chu to be Secretary of Energy (ROOM CHANGED TO SD-106)
15th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider the nomination of Ken Salazar to be Secretary of the Interior (ROOM CHANGED TO SD-G50)
February 2009

10th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: receive testimony on a majority staff draft for a Renewable Electricity Standard proposal (Hearing Room SD-366).
11th at 11:30 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting (Hearing Room SD-366).
12th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on the current state of the Department of Energy Loan Guarantee Program (Hearing Room SD-366). Overflow Room SR-418.
26th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to provide recommendations for reducing energy consumption in buildings (Hearing Room SD-366). PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE.
March 2009

3rd at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Oversight Hearing: to receive testimony on the process of smart grid initiatives and technologies (SD-106). PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE.
5th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony regarding draft legislative proposals on energy research and development (SH-216). PLEASE NOTE ROOM CHANGE.
10th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on pending water resources legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
12th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on pending legislation regarding electricity transmission lines (Hearing Room SD-366). Overflow Room will be in SD-406.
12th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider the nomination of David Hayes to be Deputy Secretary of the Interior (Hearing Room SD-366).
17th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Oversight Hearing: on energy development on public lands and the outer Continental Shelf (Hearing Room SD-366). Overflow Room will be in SR-253.
18th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider the nomination of David J. Hayes, to be Deputy Secretary of the Interior (Hearing Room SD-366).
18th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on nuclear energy development (Hearing Room SD-366).
19th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on the Appliance Standards Improvement Act of 2009 (Hearing Room SD-366).
24th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider the nomination of Thomas Strickland, to be Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks (Hearing Room SD-366).
25th at 02:00 PM   Energy Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on draft legislation to improve energy market transparency and regulation (Hearing Room SD-366).
26th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on pending legislation to strengthen American manufacturing through improved industrial energy efficiency (Hearing Room SD-366).
31st at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending legislation and the nomination of Thomas L. Strickland, to be Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks (Hearing Room SD-366).
April 2009

22nd at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on energy efficiency resource standards (Hearing Room SD-366).
23rd at 02:00 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room SD-366).
28th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony regarding legislation to improve the availability of financing for deployment of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies (Hearing Room SD-366).
30th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending nominations and legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
May 2009

5th at 09:45 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room SD-366).
6th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider legislation on the siting of interstate electric transmission facilities, energy finance, and nuclear energy (Hearing Room SD-366).
7th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on a Joint Staff draft related to cyber security and critical electricity infrastructure (Hearing Room SD-366).
7th at 02:30 PM   Energy Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on net metering and distributed generation (Hearing Room SD-366).
12th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on S. 967 and S. 283 (Hearing Room SD-366).
13th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending nominations and pending energy legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
14th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
14th at 02:30 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on S. 1013 (Hearing Room SD-366).
19th at 02:15 PM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation on nuclear waste management, cyber security, and S. 967 (Hearing Room SD-366).
21st at 10:30 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation on a renewable electricity standard and building efficiency (Hearing Room SD-366).
June 2009

2nd at 02:15 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room SD-366).
4th at 09:30 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation on a renewable electricity standard and building efficiency (Hearing Room SD-366).
9th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending nominations and continue marking-up pending energy legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
11th at 02:00 PM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
16th at 10:15 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
16th at 02:30 PM   National Parks Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on the National Park Service's FY10 budget and proposed expenditures under the Recovery Act (Hearing Room SD-366).
17th at 09:00 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending energy legislation (Hearing Room SD-366).
17th at 01:30 PM   Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on S. 409, S. 782, S. 874, S. 1139 and S. 1140 (Hearing Room SD-366). PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE
July 2009

9th at 02:00 PM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room SD-366)
14th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on S.796 and S.140 (Hearing Room SD-366)
15th at 02:30 PM   National Parks Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on S.227, S.625, S.853, S.1053, S.1117, S.1168, H.R 1694 and H.R 714 (Hearing Room SD-366)
21st at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider the preparedness of Federal land management agencies for the 2009 wildfire season (Hearing Room SD-366)
22nd at 02:30 PM   National Parks Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on the following bills S. 635, S. 715, S. 742, S. 1270, S.1418 and H.R. 2330, and H.R. 2430 (Hearing Room SD-366)
23rd at 02:30 PM   Water and Power Subcommittee Hearing: to receive testimony on S.637, S.789, S.1080 and S.1453 (Hearing Room SD-366)
28th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room SD-366)
28th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room-SD-366)
August 2009

4th at 02:45 PM   Full Committee Business Meeting: to consider pending nominations and legislation (Hearing Room SD-366)
6th at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Hearing: to consider pending nominations (Hearing Room SD-366)
22nd at 10:00 AM   Full Committee Field Hearing (Chena Hot Springs, Alaska)
24th at 01:30 PM   National Park Sub-Committee Field Hearing: to consider climate change impacts on national parks in Colorado and related management activities (Estes Park, Colorado)