U S National Institutes of Health John E Fogarty International Center Home Page

International Tobacco and Health Research and Capacity Building Program

Project Profiles

A Chinese man smoking a cigarette.
Photo: Curt Carnemark/The World Bank

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Contacts
  3. Collaborative Partners
  4. Current Awards

I. Purpose

This is the second RFA in a program that supports trans-disciplinary research and capacity building projects that address the burden of tobacco consumption in low- and/or middle-income nations by 1) pursuing observational, intervention and policy research of local importance and 2) building capacity in these regions in epidemiological and behavioral research, prevention, treatment, communications, health services and policy research. Both research and capacity building must be included in all applications.

The program is designed to promote international cooperation between investigators in the United States and other high-income nation(s) pursuing research programs on tobacco control, and scientists and institutions in low- and/or middle-income nation(s), where tobacco consumption is a current or anticipated public health urgency. The major portion of the research must be conducted in a low- and/or middle-income nation(s), and greater than 60 percent of the direct costs requested must be used in a low- and/or middle-income nation(s) or "in-country" for either research and/or capacity strengthening of foreign institutions.

II. Contacts for the new RFA

Fogarty International Center

Xingzhu Liu, M.D., Ph.D.
Division of International Training and Research
Building 31, Room B2C39
31 Center Drive, MSC 2220
Bethesda, MD 20892-2220
Telephone: (301) 496-1653
Fax: (301) 402-0779

National Cancer Institute

Michele Bloch, M.D., Ph.D.
Tobacco Control Research Branch
Behavioral Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
6130 Executive Plaza Blvd., Room 4032
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: (301) 496-8584
Fax: (301) 496-8675

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Steve Gust, Ph.D.
International Program
6001 Executive Blvd.,
Room 5274
Bethesda, MD 20892
Telephone: (301) 443-6480
Fax: (301) 443-9127

III. Collaborating NIH Institutes and Centers

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IV. Current Awards

These researchers received International Tobacco and Health Research and Capacity Building Program awards:

Dr. Kristie Foley, of Wake Forest University Health Sciences will collaborate with scientists in Hungary to create institutional capacity in tobacco research; to conduct mentored research that has the potential to significantly reduce tobacco use at the local and national level; and to build individual capacity among Hungarian and U.S. research partners through formal in-country training and mentored research projects.

Dr. Teh-Wei Hu, of Public Health Institute (California) will collaborate with scientists in China and Indonesia to build the knowledge base for tobacco control policies, including development of tobacco tax policy alternatives, a crop substitution program for tobacco farmers, smoke-free environments in hospitals, a social marketing tobacco control campaign focused on maternal and child health, and monitoring tobacco industry transition under the FCTC.

Dr. Prabhat Jha, of the Center for Global Health Research (Canada) will collaborate with Indian scientists to quantify risks for tuberculosis, heart attack, cancers and other causes in relation to male smoking and tobacco chewing and in relation to female tobacco chewing among adult deaths, and to assess the effects of household male smoking and indoor air pollution among childhood respiratory deaths and adult female respiratory deaths. They also study the trends and determinants of smoking and chewing, including cessation among male smokers, male and female chewers.

Dr. Wasim Maziak, of University of Memphis will collaborate with Syrian scientists to perform a study to understand adolescent tobacco use patterns and determinants: a school-based longitudinal study will examine trends in tobacco use in 4000 Syrian youth: examination of waterpipe toxicant exposure, dependence, and risk in a laboratory study of 240 waterpipe users; a randomized clinical trial of a smoking cessation intervention in 250 smokers.

Dr. Mark Nichter, of University of Arizona will collaborate with scientists in India and Indonesia to increase knowledge about the risks of tobacco use and the importance of cessation through dissemination of a model tobacco education curriculum for medical schools in India and Indonesia; to recruit and train tobacco researchers concurrently with introducing tobacco education in nine medical schools in each country; and to involve partner medical schools in tobacco cessation-related community-based research pilot studies.

Dr. Eliseo Perez-Stable, of University of California San Francisco will collaborate with scientists in Argentina to develop an intervention to prevent tobacco use among diverse youth in Northwest Argentina; to implement and evaluate a system-based smoking cessation intervention using a randomized trial design among physicians to promote smoking abstinence and quit attempts in their patients who smoke; and to develop policy interventions to promote smoke free indoor space and regulation of tobacco products advertising by continuing to analyze the tobacco industry documents on Argentina.

Dr. Srinath Reddy, of HRIDAY (India) will collaborate with India institutions to test the efficacy of a comprehensive, community-based tobacco control intervention, among disadvantaged youth (10-19 years) living in low income communities of Delhi via a cluster randomized trial, in slum-dwelling and other low income residential communities of Delhi, of non-pharmacologic community led behavioral intervention intended to promote cessation of tobacco use by adolescent consumers of tobacco, in order to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of such interventions.

Dr. Jonathan Samet, of Johns Hopkins University will collaborate with Chinese scientists to conduct an intervention study involving 10 provinces of China. Working with provincial CDCs, they will identify the optimum mix of tobacco control programs and policies. The interventions will address both urban and rural locations. A three-year intervention phase will be followed by an evaluation. They have the overall objective of preparing the China CDC to disseminate and implement a proven approach to tobacco control across all provinces.

Dr. Isabel Scarinci, of University of Alabama at Birmingham will collaborate with Brazilian scientists to develop a Network for Tobacco Control among Women in Parana, Brazil in order to establish community and institutional capacity to promote gender-relevant tobacco control efforts among Brazilian women through community-based participatory research and training. The goals of the "Network" are to reduce tobacco use and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among Brazilian women, and to develop a cadre of well trained researchers in tobacco control.

Dr. Anthony So, of Duke University will collaborate with scientists from several countries in Southeast to conduct research that examines the political economy of tobacco control and its impact on health in Southeast Asia; to cultivate, train and resource a group of country-level researchers; to support studies that situate the impact of tobacco into the larger context of sustainable development; and to build capacity and networking of researchers in Southeast Asia to enable a strong, local evidence base for tobacco control and to encourage effective translation of research into policy.

Dr. Michele Ybarra, of Internet Solutions for Kids, Inc. (California) will collaborate with scientists in Turkey to design and evaluate a TXT messaging-based smoking intervention that takes advantage of technologies (mobile phone) adopted by adult smokers in Turkey. To do so, they bring together a multi-national team of smoking and technology health experts dedicated to building the capacity of smoking cessation research expertise in Turkey to reduce the public health burden associated with smoking in Turkey.

Grantee Abstracts [PDF 73K]

Principal Investigators [PDF 30K]

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Updated June 2009

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