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The NBII Amphibians Web site serves as a resource for individuals to learn about amphibians and factors affecting global amphibian populations. This site allows citizen scientists to contribute informative reports regarding local amphibian populations, thereby assisting the greater scientific community's efforts to better understand amphibian More...

  • American toad (Bufo americanus)

Mammalian Predators in Hawaii wet forests

Depredation of eggs, nestlings and adult birds by introduced predators has been widely postulated as a leading cause of the accelerated decline and extirpation of endemic Hawaiian avian species and a major factor limiting present populations of endangered birds. In Hawaii, four species of introduced rodents, the black rat (Rattus rattus). The More...

  • Image of Polynesian rat

Scientists Discover a New Pacific Iguana and More Clues to a Longtime Mystery

The Pacific iguanas of the Fijian and Tongan archipelagos are a biogeographic enigma in that their closest relatives are found only in the New World, separated by 8,000 km of ocean. The Pacific iguanas have been dramatically affected by human activities; two species were eaten to extinction after human arrival in the Pacific some 2,800 years ago. More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP)

Natural resource managers face complex decisions that require a clear understanding of the status of wildlife populations and their habitats. Monitoring is key to making effective management decisions and evaluating the outcomes of those decisions. The goal of NRMP is to improve the accessibility of monitoring efforts to resource managers to aid More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) Newsletter

Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) is a collaborative effort by the natural resource management community to improve monitoring efforts in order to support effective evaluation and decision-making by sharing information on monitoring projects and protocols. The Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership was built for easy access to More...

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