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21st Century Museum Professionals

All applicants for the 21st Century Museum Professionals program are required to file their applications online through Read more

Grant program guidelines are made available approximately 90 days before the grant deadline. Until that time, guidelines from the previous year are available for your reference, but you must use the current fiscal year application when you apply.
2009 Application and Guidelines (PDF, 525KB) Instructions

FY 2010 Deadline:

March 15, 2010

Grant Amount:


Grant Period:

Up to three years


1:1 for all funds requested from IMLS

Program Contact:

Christopher J. Reich, Senior Program Officer
Phone: 202-653-4685

Twinet G. Kimbrough, Program Specialist
Phone: 202/653-4703

Program Overview
Museums that fulfill the eligibility criteria for museums (see page 10) may apply. Public or private nonprofit agencies, organizations, or associations that engage in activities designed to advance museums and the museum profession may also apply. In addition, institutions of higher education, including public and nonprofit universities, are eligible. Program Overview: Museum professionals need high levels of knowledge and expertise as they help create public value for the communities they serve. The purpose of the 21st Century Museum Professionals program is to increase the capacity of museums by improving the knowledge and skills of museum professionals in multiple institutions. 21st Century Museum Professionals grants are intended to reach broad groups of museum professionals throughout a city, county, state, region, or the nation.

Grants fund a wide range of activities, including the development and implementation of classes, seminars, and workshops; resources to support leadership development; collection, assessment, development, and/or dissemination of information that leads to better museum operations; activities that strengthen the use of contemporary technology tools to deliver programs and services; support for the enhancement of pre-professional training programs; and organizational support for the development of internship and fellowship programs. IMLS also welcomes proposals that promote the skills necessary to develop 21st century communities, citizens, and workers.

Museums that fulfill the eligibility criteria for museums may apply. Public or private not-forprofit agencies, organizations or associations that engage in activities designed to advance museums and the museum profession may also apply. In addition, institutions of higher education, including public and nonprofit universities are eligible.

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