Gross Domestic Product by State

Gross Domestic Product by State:
new NAICS estimates for 2008

A press release that summarizes the current data and methodology for GDP by state are available.

GDP-by-state data files selected for downloading from the GDP-by-state Interactive Table web page are either in comma-quote-delimited format, or large data files in a compressed format that must be expanded once downloaded.

Special Codes:

The following special codes appear in the data files in place of data values. The special codes are formatted as quote-delimited text.

(D) Not shown in order to avoid the disclosure of confidential information; estimates are included in higher level totals.
(L) Less than $500,000
(N/A) Not available

Additional Information:

Industry detail is based on the 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Current-dollar GDP by state is presented in millions of dollars.

Real GDP by state is presented in millions of chained (2000) dollars.

Chained (2000) dollar series are calculated as the product of the chain-type quantity index and the 2000 current-dollar value of the corresponding series, divided by 100. Because the formula for the chain-type quantity indexes uses weights of more than one period, the corresponding chained-dollar estimates are usually not additive.

The entire series of quantity indexes can be found on the GDP-by-state Interactive Table page.

Data Availability:

The following estimates are available on the BEA website:

  • Advance gross domestic product by state in current and chained (2000) dollars and quantity indexes for 24 NAICS-based sectors for 2008,
  • Gross domestic product by state in current and chained (2000) dollars and quantity indexes for 81 NAICS-based subsectors for 1997-2007,
  • Gross domestic product by state in current and chained (2000) dollars, compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports (TOPI), subsidies, gross operating surplus (GOS), and quantity indexes for 81 NAICS-based subsectors for 2001-2007,
  • Gross domestic product by state in current dollars, compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports (TOPI), subsidies, gross operating surplus (GOS), and quantity indexes for 75 SIC-based industries for 1963-1997, and
  • Gross domestic product by state in chained (2000) dollars for 75 SIC-based industries for 1990-1997.

The next release date is November 2010.

Industries for which Gross Domestic Product by state estimates are available

                                                                    1997 NAICS

Private industries  ..................................................      ..

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting ..........................      11
  Crop and animal production ......................................... 111-112
  Forestry, fishing, and related activities .......................... 113-115

Mining ...............................................................      21
  Oil and gas extraction .............................................     211
  Mining, except oil and gas .........................................     212
  Support activities for mining ......................................     213

Utilities ............................................................      22

Construction .........................................................      23

Manufacturing ........................................................   31-33

  Durable goods ......................................................      ..
    Wood product manufacturing .......................................     321
    Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing ........................     327
    Primary metal manufacturing ......................................     331
    Fabricated metal product manufacturing ...........................     332
    Machinery manufacturing ..........................................     333
    Computer and electronic product manufacturing ....................     334
    Electrical equipment and appliance manufacturing .................     335
    Motor vehicle, body, trailer, and parts manufacturing ............   3361-
    Other transportation equipment manufacturing .....................   3364-
    Furniture and related product manufacturing ......................     337
    Miscellaneous manufacturing ......................................     339

  Nondurable goods ...................................................      ..
    Food product manufacturing ....................................... 311-312
    Textile and textile product mills ................................ 313-314
    Apparel manufacturing ............................................ 315-316
    Paper manufacturing ..............................................     322
    Printing and related support activities ..........................     323
    Petroleum and coal products manufacturing ........................     324
    Chemical manufacturing ...........................................     325
    Plastics and rubber products manufacturing .......................     326

Wholesale trade ......................................................      42

Retail trade .........................................................   44-45

Transportation and warehousing, excluding Postal Service 0............   48-49
  Air transportation .................................................     481
  Rail transportation ................................................     482
  Water transportation ...............................................     483
  Truck transportation ...............................................     484
  Transit and ground passenger transportation ........................     485
  Pipeline transportation ............................................     486
  Other transportation and support activities ........................    487,
  Warehousing and storage ............................................     493

Information ..........................................................      51
  Publishing including software ......................................     511	
  Motion picture and sound recording industries ......................     512
  Broadcasting and telecommunications ................................     513
  Information and data processing services ...........................     514

Finance, insurance ...................................................      52
  Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation and related services .. 521-522
  Securities, commodity contracts, investments .......................     523
  Insurance carriers and related activities ..........................     524
  Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles ........................     525

Real estate, rental, and leasing .....................................      53	
  Real estate ........................................................     531	
  Rental and leasing services and lessors of intangible assets ....... 532-533

Professional and technical services ..................................      54
  Legal services .....................................................    5411
  Computer systems design and related services .......................    5415
  Other professional, scientific and technical services ..............   5412-

Management of companies and enterprises ..............................      55

Administrative and waste services ....................................      56
  Administrative and support services ................................     561
  Waste management and remediation services ..........................     562

Educational services .................................................      61

Health care and social assistance ....................................      62
  Ambulatory health care services ....................................     621
  Hospitals and nursing and residential care facilities .............. 622-623
  Social assistance ..................................................     624

Arts, entertainment, and recreation ..................................      71
  Performing arts, museums, and related activities ................... 711-712
  Amusements, gambling, and recreation ...............................     713

Accommodation and food services ......................................      72
  Accommodation ......................................................     721
  Food services and drinking places ..................................     722

Other services, except government ....................................      81

Government ...........................................................      92
  Federal civilian ...................................................      ..
  Federal military ...................................................      ..
  State and local ....................................................      ..

NAICS North American Industry Classification System

_____________________________________________________________________________ BEA MULTISTATE REGIONS _____________________________________________________________________________ The following is a list of the BEA Regions, and the States contained in each: NEW ENGLAND Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont MIDEAST Delaware District of Columbia Maryland New Jersey New York Pennsylvania GREAT LAKES Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin PLAINS Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota SOUTHEAST Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia SOUTHWEST Arizona New Mexico Oklahoma Texas ROCKY MOUNTAIN Colorado Idaho Montana Utah Wyoming FAR WEST Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington

For further information about these data files, or about GDP by state in general, contact:

GDP by State and Industry Branch
Regional Product Division
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BE-61)
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C. 20230
Voice: (202) 606-5340
Fax: (202) 606-5321


Gross Domestic Product by state articles appearing in the Survey of Current Business

Last updated: Tuesday, June 02, 2009