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It's in the Air: The Ecological Effects of Nitrogen Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park

Encroaching development, overuse, and air- and waterborne contaminants from outside park boundaries are causing noticeable changes to water quality and ecosystem health and functioning. The Front Range metropolitan area from Fort Collins south to Colorado Springs includes 75 percent of Colorado's population and its most productive agricultural More...

  • Photo of lead investigator Dr. Jill Baron preparing to extract water from a soil lysimeter

Chemical Contamination of Hatchery Fish Feed

This project addresses the occurrence of metal and organochlorine contaminant residues in commercial feeds purchased by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) hatcheries. Research into fish feed quality could benefit all hatchery and aquaculture operations and assist in the interpretation of the effects of pollution on wild fish. Results from More...

  • Salmon with broken back syndrome

Environmental contaminants in freshwater fish and their risk to piscivorous wildlife based on a national monitoring program

Organochlorine chemical residues and elemental concentrations were measured in piscivorous and benthivorous fish at 111 sites from large U.S. river basins. Potential contaminant sources such as urban and agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, mine drainage, and irrigation varied among the sampling sites. Our objectives were to provide summary More...

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Contaminant Biology Program: Databases

This web page lists databases related to contaminant research across government agencies and partnerships. Many of the links include access to documented trends in the occurrence of persistent toxic chemicals that may threaten fish and wildlife resources, summaries of the results from aquatic acute toxicity tests, Avian Incident Monitoring, More...

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