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Nanotechnology: Implications-Exposure


February 12, 2008 - Read the Federal Register notice about EPA's Nanotechnology Research Strategy and meeting to review public comment:

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As nanotechnology progresses from research and development to commercialization and use, it is likely that manufactured nanomaterials and nanoproducts might result in exposure to humans. Potential sources of human exposure to nanomaterials include workers exposed during the production and use of nanomaterials, general population exposure from releases to the environment during the production or use in the workplace, and direct general population exposure during the use of commercially available products containing nanoscale materials. Research is needed to identify potential sources, pathways, and routes of exposure, potential tools and models that may be used to estimate exposures, and potential data sources for these models. Tools and resources for assessing releases and exposures, including metrics and sensors, analysis of physical and chemical properties, and population sensitivities need to be developed, along with engineering controls and pollution prevention devices capable of minimizing releases and exposures to nanomaterials.

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8 abstract(s) are listed.

Search Phrase: Nanotechnology Implications: Exposure
#    Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Annual/ Final Reports Pubs Count Institution Grant Representative Grant Amount Project Period
1 R833893
Bioavailability of Metallic Nanoparticles and Heavy Metals in Landfills Hu, Zhiqiang
Elias, Dwayne A.
Wall, Judy D.
No 2010 Annual Report Due Yet   University of Missouri - Columbia Krishnan, Bala S.
$399,262   April 2009 -
March 2012  
2 R834092
Influence of Water Quality on the Bioavailability and Food Chain Transport of Carbon Nanoparticles Klaine, Stephen J.
Burton Jr., G. Allen
Ke, Pu-Chun
Mukhopadhyay, Sharmila
Roberts, Aaron
No 2009 Annual Report Due Yet   Clemson University Shapiro, Paul
$400,000   October 2008 -
September 2011  
3 R833862
Bioavailability, Environmental Transformation, and Detoxification of Core/Shell Nanomaterials Hurt, Robert H.
Kane, Agnes B.
  Brown University Karn, Barbara
$400,000   July 2008 -
June 2011  
4 R833324
Nanoparticle Stability in Natural Waters and its Implication for Metal Toxicity to Water Column and Benthic Organisms Ranville, James
Butler, Barbara
Jackson, Brian

Total Pubs: 7
Journals: 1
-- No Books --
Colorado School of Mines,Dartmouth College Krishnan, Bala S.
  April 2007 -
April 2010  
5 R833328
Impact of Physiochemical Properties on Skin Absorption of Manufactured Nanomaterials Xia, Xin-Rui
Monteiro-Riviere, Nancy A.
Riviere, Jim E.
  North Carolina State University Karn, Barbara
$391,617   September 2006 -
August 2009  
6 R831721
Short-term Chronic Toxicity of Photocatalytic Nanoparticles to Bacteria, Algae, and Zooplankton Huang, C. P.
Cha, Daniel K.
Ismat, Shah S.

Total Pubs: 8
-- No Journals --
-- No Books --
University of Delaware Lasat, Mitch
$334,881   October 2005 -
September 2007  
7 R831722
Iron Oxide Nanoparticle-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Elder, Alison C.P.
Yang, Hong
Finkelstein, Jack
Oberdörster, Günter
Oberdorster, Gunter



Total Pubs: 15
Journals: 4
-- No Books --
University of Rochester Savage, Nora
$335,000   September 2004 -
February 2008  
8 R831720
Repercussion of Carbon Based Manufactured Nanoparticles on Microbial Processes in Environmental Systems Turco, Ronald F.
Applegate, Bruce M.
Filley, Timothy
  Purdue University - Main Campus Lasat, Mitch
$335,000   July 2004 -
June 2007  

About Your Results
Total Number of Abstracts: 8
Total Number of Abstracts, excluding Center sub-projects: 8
Total Number of Progress Reports: 4
Total Number of Final Reports: 1
Total Number of Publications: 30
Total Number of Journal Articles: 5

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