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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District


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Davis: Democrats' Health Care Bill Lacks Reform
Jul 28, 2009  - On July 28, 2009, Congressman Geoff Davis spoke on the House floor about the lack of true reform in H.R. 3200, the so-called "Affordable" Health Choices Act. He called on his colleagues to craft a real plan with real reform that addresses the needs of the American people. Watch

Davis Outraged with Health Care Bill Process
Jul 21, 2009  - On July 21st, Congressman Geoff Davis spoke on the House floor against the Democrats' attempts to force speedy passage of their health care reform legislation, H.R. 3200, without Republican input. Watch

Davis: Liability Reform Critical to Successful Health Care Bill
Jul 17, 2009  - During the July 16th Ways and Means Committee markup of the America's Affordable Health Choices Act (H.R. 3200), Congressman Davis urged his colleagues to support an amendment offered by Congressman John Linder (R-GA) to prohibit the new Health Information Exchange from operating in a State that doe... Watch

Rep. Davis Urges Committee to Reject Government-Run Health Care Plan
Jul 16, 2009  - During the July 16th Ways and Means Committee markup of Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill (H.R. 3200), Congressman Davis spoke in support of an amendment offered by Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) that would strike the government-run plan from H.R. 3200. When urging his colleagues to support the amendm... Watch

Rep. Davis Fights to Prevent Health Care Rationing
Jul 16, 2009  - During the July 16th Ways and Means Committee Markup of H.R. 3200 (Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill), Congressman Geoff Davis urged members of the Committee to support an amendment offered by Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) that would repeal the government-run plan if wait times exceed the average w... Watch

Davis: Health Care Bill Kills Jobs
Jul 16, 2009  - During the July 16th Ways and Means Committee Markup of H.R. 3200 (Speaker Pelosi’s health care bill), Congressman Davis offered an amendment to protect small businesses from punitive tax burdens in the bill. H.R. 3200 requires employers to either offer plans that meet government mandates or pay an ... Watch

Congressman Davis Slams "Cap and Trade"
Jun 26, 2009  - On June 26, 2009, Congressman Davis strongly criticized the controversial Waxman legislation that would impose a national energy tax on middle-class families, senior citizens, small businesses and farmers, both in Kentucky and across the nation. The speech was given on the House floor during debate ... Watch

Congressman Davis Fights to Improve National Security
Jun 25, 2009  - On June 25, 2009, Congressman Davis offered an amendment to the 2009 National Defense Authorization Act that will enable our nation to more effectively plan and execute national security interagency operations. His amendment would require the President to commission a study to develop national secur... Watch

Reverend Fowler of Kentucky Delivers Opening Prayer in House
Jun 25, 2009  - On June 25, 2009, Congressman Geoff Davis welcomed Reverend Richard B. L. Fowler of Covington, Kentucky, to the House of Representatives. Reverend Fowler marked the beginning of legislative business in the House of Representatives by offering the opening prayer on the House floor. This video include... Watch

Rep. Davis Blasts Cap and Trade Energy Tax
Jun 17, 2009  - In a June 17th speech on the House floor, Congressman Davis spoke out against the Democrats' energy tax legislation, and stated that the legislation will cost Kentucky jobs and shutter local businesses. Watch

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