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Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse

The Internet Map Server (IMS) visually displays the non-native, invasive plants (weed) occurrences in the current (2003) SWEMP database. An IMS allows you to interactively draw, query, and print maps. The SWEMP IMS was developed from ESRI's ArcIMS presentation product.The Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse is a cooperative effort More...

  • SWEMP IMS Screenshot, United States Map

Past, Recent, and 21st Century Vegetation Change in the Arid Southwest

The purpose of this research project is to document vegetation change in the arid lands of the southwestern United States. The project compiles data on past and present plant distributions. These plant distributions are combined with data on past, present, and future climates to predict future plant distributions. The project requires four major More...

  • Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata)

Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Program (NAS)

Invasive nonindigenous species are important because they threaten native communities, alter habitats, and can have significant economic impacts. In aquatic environments, invasive species can be especially noxious because native species have few options for escaping direct interactions such as predation and competition for habitat and food. This More...

  • African jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi)

National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP)

Natural resource managers face complex decisions that require a clear understanding of the status of wildlife populations and their habitats. Monitoring is key to making effective management decisions and evaluating the outcomes of those decisions. The goal of NRMP is to improve the accessibility of monitoring efforts to resource managers to aid More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) Newsletter

Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) is a collaborative effort by the natural resource management community to improve monitoring efforts in order to support effective evaluation and decision-making by sharing information on monitoring projects and protocols. The Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership was built for easy access to More...

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