The Earth Observer

May/June 1996, Vol.8, No.3

NASA Selects 50 New Graduate Student Fellows in Response to the Earth System Science Graduate Student Fellowship Announcement

--Ghassem Asrar (, EOS Program Scientist, Office of Mission to Planet Earth, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

The selection of this year's recipients of NASA Earth System Science Graduate Student Fellowships is complete. A total of 311 applications were received by the Office of Mission to Planet Earth at NASA Headquarters in response to the announcement released in December, 1995. In all, over 90 universities and educational institutions from 44 states were represented by the applicants. They represent 28 countries. However, they are all currently accepted/enrolled as full-time M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students at 90 universities in the United States.

The applications were evaluated through a two-step peer review process: first through mail/panel review, and then by a panel of evaluators composed of members of professional scientific societies, academic institutions, and the Educational Affairs Office and the Office of Mission to Planet Earth at NASA Headquarters.

A total of 50 new candidates from 25 states representing 34 academic institutions and 3 countries were identified to receive the fellowships this year. The new fellowships, added to the pool of students whose support continues from last year, brings a total of 141 students now funded by this program. This educational program is intended to support graduate students involved in Earth system science research as part of NASA's contribution to the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

The purpose of the Fellowship program is to train a pool of highly qualified scientists to help analyze and interpret the wealth of data generated by the Mission to Planet Earth programs. NASA understands that the future of Earth science rests with today's students who will be tomorrow's scientists. The financial wherewithal to pursue an advanced education obviously plays a vital role in securing the necessary talent to further Earth system science objectives.

Fellowships are given for an initial 1-year term and may be renewed annually for up to 3 years, based on satisfactory progress as reflected in academic performance and evaluations made by faculty advisors. The amount awarded is $20,000 per annum, which may be used to defray living expenses, tuition, fees, and other educational expenses. An additional $2,000 may be requested by the faculty advisor to support the student's research. Students receiving these stipends must not receive another Federal fellowship.

The name, affiliations, and titles, of selected recipients for this year are given in table 1, table 2, table 3. An announcement for the 1996-97 Fellowships will be released in December 1996, and the deadline for submission of new applications to NASA is March 15, 1997. Please contact Dr. Ghassem Asrar, Mail Code YS, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 20546 for further information.

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