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I support free trade. But trade must also be fair.

I have seen the impact of unfair trade policies in West Central Illinois. The manufacturing sector, historically a key component of Illinois’ economy, has seen 3 million jobs lost to NAFTA.  And our trade deficit has gone from $100 billion to over $700 billion since NAFTA's passage.

In Galesburg, IL, NAFTA drove 1,600 good-paying Maytag jobs to Reynosa, Mexico. I will not vote for any trade agreement that will outsource another single American job.

As a member of the House Trade Working Group (HTWG), I am committed to fighting for a new direction on trade that protects American jobs while promoting labor and environmental standards abroad. These standards must be enforceable, not made a part of side deals, which have historically been ignored.

See the letter I sent with other members of the HTWG to President Obama about working together on Trade Reform