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Neurotoxity and Neuropathology Associated with Cocaine Abuse

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 163 [Printed in 1996]

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Table of Contents

Cocaine Addiction as a Neurological Disorder: Implications for Treatment-----1
Maria Dorota Majewska

Brain Atropy and Chronic Cocaine Abuse: Background and Work in Progress-----27
Frederick G. Langendorf, David C. Anderson, David E. Tupper,
David A. Rottenberg, and Irwin D. Weisman

Neurologic Complications of Cocaine-----43
Michael Daras

Psychomotor and Electroencephalographic Sequelae of Cocaine Dependence-----66
Lance O. Bauer

Cocaine Effects on Dopamine and Opioid Peptide Neural Systems: Implications for Human Cocaine Abuse-----94
Yasmin L. Hurd

The Neurotoxic Effects of Continuous Cocaine and Amphetamine in Habenula: Implications for the Substrates of Psychosis-----117
Gaylord Ellison, Scott Irwin, Alan Keys, Kevin Noguchi, and Giri Sulur

PET Studies of Cerebral Glucose Metabolism: Acute Effects of Cocaine and Long-Term Deficits in Brains of Drug Abusers-----146
Edythe D. London, June M. Stapelton, Robert L. Phillips, Steven J. Grant,
Victor L. Villemagne, Xiang Liu, and Rebeca Soria

Cardiotoxic Properties of Cocaine: Studies with Positron Emission Tomography-----159
Nora D. Volkow, Joanna S. Fowler, and Yu-Shin Ding

Neuropsychological Abnormalities in Cocaine Abusers: Possible Correlates in SPECT Neuroimaging-----175
Thomas R. Kosten, Robert Malison, and Elizabeth Wallace

Cocaine Withdrawal Alters Regulatory Elements of Dopamine Neurons-----193
Nancy S. Pilotte and Lawrence G. Sharpe

EEG and Evoked Potentials Alterations in Cocaine-Dependent Individuals-----203
Ronald I. Herning and Deborah E. King

Is Craving Mood Driven or Self-Propelled? Sensitization and "Street" Stimulant Addiction-----224
Frank H. Gawin and M. Elena Khalsa-Denison

Methamphetamine and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Neurotoxicity: Possible Mechanisms of Cell Destruction-----251
Lewis S. Seiden and Karen E. Sabol

Stress, Glucocorticoids, and Mesencephalic Dopaminergic Neurons: A Pathophysiological Chain Determining Vulnerability to Psychostimulant Abuse-----277
Pier Vincenzo Piazza, Michela Marinelli, Françoise Rougé-Pont,
Véronique Deroche, Stefania Maccari, Hervé Simon, and Michel Le Moal

Clinical and MRI Evaluation of Psychostimulant Neurotoxicity-----300
George Bartzokis, Mace Beckson, and Walter Ling

Neurotoxic Versus Neuroprotective Actions of Endogenous Opioid Peptides: Implications for Treatment of CNS Injury-----318
Alan I. Faden

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