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Opiate Receptor Subtypes and Brain Function

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 71 [Printed in 1986]

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Table of Contents


Properties of Receptors Mediating Opioid Effects: Discrimination of Receptor Types-----1
Brian M. Cox and Charles Chavkin

Dynorphin: Specific Binding to Opiate Receptors-----19
Nancy M. Lee and Herbert Lundahl

Selective Radioligands for Characterization and Neuroanatomical Distribution Studies of Brain Opioid Receptors-----28
R. Suzanne Zukin, Ann Tempel, and Mahboubeh Eghbali

Anatomical and Biochemical Perspectives on Opioid Peptides-----48
Robert P. Elde

Opiate-Inhibited Adenylate Cyclase in Mammalian Brain Membranes-----65
Steven R. Childers, Peter Nijssen, Pautine Nadeau, Page Buckhanna, Phi-Van Le, and Jeffrey Harris

Membrane Conductances and Opioid Receptor Subtypes-----81
R. Alan North

Modulation of Opioid Peptide Metabolism by Seizures: Differentiation of Opioid Subclasses-----89
Jacqueline F. McGinty, Tomoyuki Kanamatsu, Johnny Obie, and Jau-Shyong Hong

Kappa Isoreceptors: Neuroendocrine and Neurochemical Evidence-----102
Paul L. Wood and Smriti Iyengar

Multiple Receptor Types in Opioid Discrimination-----109
Stephen G. Holtzman

Neurobiological Substrates of Drug Self-Administration-----127
Jamee E. Smith and Steven I. Dworkin

Neurochemical Substrates for Opiate Reinforcement-----146
George P. Koob, Franco J. Vaccarino, Marianne Amalric, and Floyd E. Bloom

Opiate Receptor Subtypes Associated With the Brain Mechanisms of Feeding and Reward-----165
Roy A. Wise, Francois Jenck, Alain Gratton, and Remi Quirion

In Vivo Interactions Among Opiate Receptor Agonists and Antagonists-----173
John W. Holaday, Frank C. Tortella,, Rhoda Maneckjee, and Joseph B. Long

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----189

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