Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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DeMint Welcomes Administration’s Evolving Policy on Honduras
Says President Should Go Further and End Support for Chavez-Backed Zelaya
August 5, 2009 - WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), chairman of the Senate Steering Committee and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made the following statement after the State Department responded to a letter from Foreign Relations Ranking Member Richard Lugar’s (R-Indiana) on the crisis in Honduras. In their response, the State Department admitted that Manuel Zelaya’s “provocative actions” led to his removal and thanked interim President Roberto Michelleti for his commitment to the mediation process.

"I'm glad to see the State Department is finally beginning to walk back its support for Manuel Zelaya and admit that his 'provocative' actions were responsible for his removal,” said Senator DeMint. “The State Department has also acknowledged that the current leaders of Honduras have taken encouraging steps to find a peaceful solution.

“These admissions are helpful, but what is necessary is for President Obama to end his support for Zelaya who broke the law and sought to become a Chavez-style dictator. The Honduran people are fighting to uphold their constitution, and they deserve America's full support in their defense of democracy. This administration should make it clear that we support the rule of law and Manuel Zelaya is not above it. He should be permitted to return to Honduras, but he shouldn't be illegitimately returned to power. He should face a fair trial under the laws and constitution of the Honduran people," said Senator DeMint.  


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