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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
DeMint and King Introduce ‘Truth in Employment’ Act
Bill would protect successful small-businesses from union ‘salting’ tactics
June 10, 2009 - WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, introduced the Truth In Employment Act of 2009. The legislation would protect employees and employers from harassment and disruptive actions by union “salts” who threaten jobs and business success. The Senate bill is supported by Associated Builders and Contractors and has been cosponsored by U.S. Senators Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi), David Vitter (R-Louisiana) and Jim Bunning (R-Kentucky). U.S. Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) has introduced the bill in the House with 22 cosponsors.

“Small businesses should never be forced to hire undercover union organizers who seek to bully workers and harm companies,” said Senator DeMint. “We must pass the Truth in Employment Act or successful small businesses will remain vulnerable to union salting tactics that threaten jobs. These underhanded union tactics not only cost jobs, they also cost taxpayers, who foot the bill for frivolous investigations. It’s critical during these tough economic times that new jobs go to the millions of Americans desperate for work, not to undercover union organizers whose sole purpose is to harass and disrupt productivity. All workers have the right to join a union, but no union boss should have the right to intimidate workers who have chosen to work for successful non-union businesses.”

“Employers need to know that their current or prospective employees are honestly seeking to work for the benefit of the company and not for the benefit of a labor union,” said Representative King. “The Truth in Employment Act protects the integrity of the American workplace by ending the harmful labor practice known as ‘salting.’ Eliminating this practice would protect American employers and employees. I look forward to working with Senator DeMint to pass this important bi-cameral legislation.”

“Salting” occurs when union organizers seek employment with non-union businesses with the intent to unionize the company’s workforce. The union organizers’ objective is to apply intimidation tactics and economic pressure to force employees to form a union. Often, these actions include employee harassment, filing frivolous unfair labor practice claims, and disrupting daily operations. The disruptions caused by union “salts” jeopardize a company’s success and can lead to the business closing down and the loss of jobs.

The Truth in Employment Act would amend the National Labor Relations Act (NRLA) to protect the employer from being required to hire any person who is seeking a job in order to promote interests unrelated to those of the employer.
• Protects the right of employers to fire any employee who engages in a “salting campaign” instead of doing his or her job.
• Continues to preserve the employee protections under the NLRA.
• Protects and saves taxpayers and businesses from wasting time, money and resources on frivolous claims filed by union salts.


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