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Dr. Samia Al-Amoudi 

As an obstetrician-gynecologist and former Vice Dean of the College of Medicine and Allied Science at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Dr. Samia Al-Amoudi diagnosed her own breast cancer at a very advanced stage in March 2006.  Despite her own medical career, she struggled to gain confirmation of the diagnosis and treatment options. 

Dr. Al-Amoudi came to the U.S. as part of the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program in March 2007.  In Washington, D.C. she was presented the International Woman of Courage Award in recognition of her pioneering work in promoting breast cancer awareness, prevention and treatment in Saudi Arabia.

She was the first Saudi to share her personal battle with this disease, breaking the silence to speak out about its impact. As a single parent, full-time physician, and cancer awareness spokeswoman, Dr. Al-Amoudi is a compelling advocate for awareness and effective utilization of medical care.  Through her published writings and broadcast appearances, including a weekly program called "Messages of Love," she has dramatically raised public awareness for Saudi women and families across the Kingdom and throughout the region. 

“I was determined to raise public awareness, break the silence and help empower women to know about their own health,” said Dr. Al-Amoudi.  “I feel that the first step in this battle is to reach a world free of breast cancer, not only for me, but also for my little daughter Esraa - and every other daughter in this world.” 

As part of her exchange program experience, Dr. Al-Amoudi and her co-award winners had a luncheon, visited the White House and Capitol Hill, and toured the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, which explores the evolving role of women and their contributions to society. 

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