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Enteric Diseases Epidemiology and Laboratory Branches, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - FDDB

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Other Contact Information

1600 Clifton Rd NE, A-38
Atlanta, GA 30333

404-639-3534 (Voice)


The Enteric Diseases Epidemiology and Laboratory Branches are innovative public health investigative and consultative groups that identify causes, sources and solutions for bacterial foodborne and diarrheal infections to prevent the disability and death those diseases cause. Its central values are scientific integrity, rapid response to emergencies, service to states and nations, innovation through informed expertise, and close collaboration between disciplines of epidemiology and microbiology.

Print Resources

Publications are available on foodborne pathogens, including Cyclospora, Ecoli, Listeria, Salmonella, and Vibrio.

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Review Date

Mon Jun 9, 2008