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One Economy Corporation

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

1220 19th Street NW
Suite 610
Washington, DC 20036

202-393-0051 (Voice)
202-393-7260 (FAX)


One Economy helps connect low-income people to the 21st-century economy by bringing wide-scale access to broadband, computers, technology training, and online educational content into poor communities around the globe. One Economy has brought broadband into the homes of more than 300,000 people; 4 million people use its online self-help tools each year to improve their lives. Their mission is to maximize the potential of technology to help low-income people improve their lives and enter the economic mainstream.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The organization maintains The Beehive (www.thebeehive. org), an online resource to help low-income people with information and resources ranging from education and health to employment. This web portal is available in English and Spanish and provides consumer content at a 6th grade reading level.

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Review Date

Thu Aug 31, 2006