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National Patient Advocate Foundation

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Other Contact Information

National Headquarters
725 15th St. NW
10th Floor

Washington, DC 20005

202-347-8009 (Voice)
202-347-5579 (FAX)


The National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) is a policy organization committed to national and state initiatives that will enhance and ensure patients' access to care and reimbursement through legislative and policy processes. NPAF activities include lobbying in support of legislative and policy initiatives that touch the lives of patients seeking access to insurance funding for evolving therapies, therapeutic devices, or agents as prescribed by their treating physicians. Legislative activities include both support of bills in progress that represent issues supportive to patient access to insurance funding and introduction of legislation when issues develop nationally or within a state that threaten or negate the ability of cancer patients to access insurance funding.

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The Foundation takes formal and public positions on legislative issues that are consistent with its mission of seeking to create avenues of access to healthcare for therapies, therapeutic devices and agents used to treat chronic, debilitating, and life-threatening diseases through legislative and policy reform. Position statements cover assisting uninsured Americans, health information technology, drug safety and efficacy standards, prescription drug reimportation and more.

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Review Date

Thu Aug 31, 2006