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Care4Dystonia, Inc. - C4D

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440 East 78th Street
New York, NY 10021


Care4Dystonia, Inc. (C4D) is a nationwide community-based voluntary health organization focused on the devastating impact of dystonia on patients and their families and the direct medical care being provided to them today. The goals of C4D include (1) improving the quality of direct clinical patient care; (2) empowering patients to ask questions, seek care, and educate themselves and their families about dystonia; and (3) collaborating with other organizations, forging strong ties and relations with them as well as companies providing specific services to movement disorders, specifically dystonia. C4D maintains online message boards forums designed to share ideas and opinions on a variety of topics with people affected by certain forms and types of dystonia.

Online Resources

Print Resources

Care4Dystonia, Inc. provides downloadable and printable publications about dystonia. A newsletter is also available. As of February 2006 the In Motion Newsletter, originally distributed monthly by the organization in 2003, will return. Each issue will cover issues pertaining to dystonia and disability, current healthcare reforms, new treatments, personal stories, research updates, company profiles, nutritional facts, and progressive medical equipment data.

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Review Date

Thu Feb 9, 2006