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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - EEOC

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Other Contact Information

131 M Street, NE

Washington, DC 20507

800-669-4000 (Voice - Toll-free)
800-669-6820 (TTY)


The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a person at the workplace. The laws enforced prohibit discrimination against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 or older), religion, or disability. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. EEOC also provides oversight and coordination of all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies.

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Review Date

Fri Nov 4, 2005