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National Academies of Emergency Dispatch - NAED

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

139 East South Temple
Suite 200
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

800-960-6236 (Voice - Toll-free)
801-359-0996 (FAX)


Formed in 1988, the Academy's main function is that of a standard-setting organization for all aspects of Emergency Dispatch. NAED is also an academic Academy with the mission statement: "To conduct an on-going review of the current standards of care and practice in Emergency Dispatch and evaluate the tools and mechanisms used to meet or exceed those standards." NAED's membership currently exceeds 39,000 certified members. Membership in the Academy includes continuously improved support functions and a quarterly journal that addresses current emergency dispatch topics.

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Review Date

Wed Apr 4, 2007