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Office for the Advancement of Telehealth, Health Resources and Services Administration - OAT/HRSA

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Other Contact Information

5600 Fisher's Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

301-443-0447 (Voice)
301-443-1330 (FAX)


HRSA's Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT) was established to serve as a leader in telehealth, a focal point for HRSA’s telehealth activities and as a catalyst for the wider adoption of advanced technologies in the provision of health care services and education. The office leads, coordinates and promotes the use of telehealth technologies by: fostering partnerships within HRSA, and with other Federal agencies, states and private sector groups to create telehealth projects; administering telehealth grant programs; providing technical assistance; developing distance learning and training programs; assessing technology investment strategies; evaluating the use of telehealth technologies and programs; developing telehealth policy initiatives to improve access to quality health services and promoting knowledge exchange about "best telehealth practices."

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Review Date

Wed Sep 10, 2008