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Project Inform

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Other Contact Information

205 13th Street, #2001
San Francisco, CA 94103

800-822-7422 (Voice - Toll-free, Treatment Hotline)
415-558-8669 (Voice)
415-558-9051 (Voice, Treatment Hotline - Local & International Callers)
415-558-0684 (FAX)


Project Inform is a national, non-profit, community-based organization working to end the AIDS epidemic. Its mission is: to provide vital information on the diagnosis and treatment of HIV disease to HIV-infected individuals, their caregivers, and their healthcare and service providers; to advocate for enlightened regulatory, research, and funding policies, affecting the development of, access to, and delivery of effective treatments, as well as to fund innovative research opportunities; and to inspire people to make informed choices amid uncertainty, and to choose hope over despair.

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Review Date

Wed Mar 8, 2006