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American Foundation for AIDS Research - AmFAR

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Other Contact Information

120 Wall Street
13th Floor
New York, NY 10005-3908

800-342-2437 (Voice - Toll-free, English)
212-806-1600 (Voice)
212-806-1601 (FAX)
800-344-7432 (Voice - Toll-free Spanish)
800-243-7889 (TTY)


AmFAR is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of AIDS research (both basic-biomedical and clinical research), AIDS prevention, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy. To fund its research, advocacy, and public information programs, AmFAR mobilizes the good will, energy, and generosity of caring people everywhere to unite in support of the research effort that ultimately is the only means through which a solution to the epidemic of HIV/AIDS will be found. Since 1985, AmFAR has invested more than $140 million to support its programs, primarily through grants to more than 1,700 research teams.

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Review Date

Wed Sep 10, 2008