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National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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Other Contact Information

National Center for PTSD (116D)
VA Medical Center
215 N. Main Street
White River Junction, VT 05009

802-296-5132 (Voice)
802-296-6300 (Voice, PTSD Information Line)
802-296-5135 (FAX)


The National Center for PTSD is a program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The Center has 7 Divisions across the country and carries out a broad range of activities in research, education, and training on traumatic stress and PTSD. Advancing science and promoting understanding of traumatic stress, the NCPTSD works to understand, prevent, diagnose, and treat PTSD in veterans and others following exposure to traumatic stress. NCPTSD cooperates with other agencies and organizations concerned with the impact of traumatic events on mental health. A variety of information resources, for both the general public and health professionals, are produced and disseminated by the Center. See the NCPTSD website for further information.

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Review Date

Fri Aug 10, 2007