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Healthy Teen Network, Inc.

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Other Contact Information

1501 St. Paul Street, Suite 124
Baltimore, MD 21202

410-685-0410 (Voice)
410-685-0481 (FAX)


The Healthy Teen Network, Inc., formerly the National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting and Prevention, Inc. (NOAPPP), is an interdisciplinary 501(c)(3) membership association for leaders in the field of adolescent reproductive health and parenting. Members include health educators, nurses, physicians, social workers, teachers, school and program administrators, researchers and policymakers, as well as state and local health departments, school districts, community programs and educational agencies and libraries. The organization and its members are dedicated to educating providers, organizations, teens and their parents, policymakers and the public about critical issue that impact reproductive information and services to teens, teen parents and their children.

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Review Date

Mon Mar 3, 2008