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National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clearinghouse, National Institutes of Health - NCCAM

Organization URL(s)  

Other Contact Information

P.O. Box 7923
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-7923

888-644-6226 (Voice - Toll-free, English and Spanish)
301-519-3153 (Voice, International)
866-464-3615 (Voice - TTY)


The NCCAM Clearinghouse provides information on complementary and alternative medicine, including publications and searches of Federal databases of scientific and medical literature. The clearinghouse does not provide medical advice, treatment recommendations, or referrals to practitioners. The Clearinghouse is staffed by trained Information Specialists Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. ET.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The NCCAM Clearinghouse distributes fact sheets, publications, reports, newsletters, and other CAM information to patients, researchers, health care providers and the general public.

Related Topics

Review Date

Wed Dec 12, 2007