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United Network for Organ Sharing - UNOS

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

P.O. Box 2848
Richmond, VA 23218

888-894-6361 (Voice - Toll-free, Patient & Public Information)
804-782-4862 (Voice, Professional Educational Resources)
804-782-4876 (Voice, Data Requests Only)
804-782-4817 (FAX)


The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) is a non-profit organization that operates the national Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The organization is responsible for assuring equitable access for all patients needing organs through the development of transplant policy. UNOS is responsible for maintaining the national patient waiting list and the computerized organ allocation system; coordinating the logistics of matching the organs; collecting, analyzing, and publishing transplant data; and educating health professionals about the donation process. All patients waiting for transplants are registered with UNOS, which maintains a centralized computer network linking all organ procurement organizations and transplant centers. Patients are ranked on the list according to UNOS policies, which are based on objective scientific and medical criteria.

Online Resources

Print Resources

UNOS provides brochures on organ donation, donor cards, brochures developed for potential transplant recipients, lists of transplant centers, information kits with statistics, and fact sheets.

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Review Date

Thu Mar 16, 2006