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Children's Craniofacial Association - CCA

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Other Contact Information

13140 Coit Road
Suite 307
Dallas, TX 75240

800-535-3643 (Voice - Toll-free)
214-570-9099 (Voice)
214-570-8811 (FAX)


The mission of the Children Craniofacial Association (CCA) is to improve the quality of life for facially disfigured individuals and their families. Nationally and internationally, CCA addresses the medical, financial, psychosocial, emotional and educational concerns relating to craniofacial conditions. CCA advocates on behalf of and promotes awareness for the facially disfigured. The Association's many services include information and support, doctor referral, patient assistance, free patient clinics, a family retreat, and public awareness. CCA disseminates information to educate craniofacial patients and their families, health care providers, and the general public regarding craniofacial conditions. Through its database, CCA is able to network families with support groups and/or others who have similar conditions and experiences. In addition, CCA refers to the full members of the International Society of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons. These surgeons head a team of specialists specifically trained in the surgical management of problems involving the face and head. A list of these surgeons may be obtained by calling the CCA office. In the area of patient assistance, the Association offers families who must travel to receive craniofacial care funds for food, travel and lodging. CCA also conducts free medical clinics to provide medical consultation, initial evaluation, ongoing evaluation, second opinion and referrals. Each clinic is lead by a craniofacial reconstructive surgeon. The Association holds the annual Cher's Family Retreat in June to provide craniofacial patients, their siblings, and parents an opportunity to interact with others who have endured similar experiences. Lastly, through public awareness, CCA promotes social acceptance of children and adults with facial disfigurement.

Print Resources

CCA has published five in a series of booklets for parents which explain craniofacial conditions and their treatment. The booklets, A Guide to Understanding Craniosynostosis, A Guide to Understanding Apert Syndrome, A Guide to Understanding Treacher Collins Syndrome, A Guide to Understanding Hemifacial Microsomia and A Guide to Understanding Microtia, are in question/answer format and are written in an easy to understand text. CCA will publish three additional booklets this year. A quarterly newsletter is published to inform readers of CCA activities as well as educate families, donors, and interested parties of the latest in craniofacial treatment. The newsletter also addresses issues affecting not only the craniofacial patients but their siblings and parents as well.

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Review Date

Thu Aug 10, 2006