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Survivors of Incest Anonymous - SIA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

P.O. Box 190
Benson, MD 21018

410-893-3322 (Voice)


Survivors of Incest Anonymous (SIA) is a self-help group of men and women, 18 years or older, who have been victims of child sexual abuse and are not abusing any child. SIA, a nonprofit organization with no dues or fees and founded in 1982, works to help victims realize that they are not responsible for what happened, and they are not alone. Members use a set of 12 suggested steps similar to alcoholics anonymous. Meetings are confidential. Members are encouraged to seek professional therapy.

Print Resources

SIA provides literature upon request ($19 pieces for $25 or $6 for a starter packet).

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Review Date

Wed Mar 15, 2006