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National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - NCMEC

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

Charles B. Wang International Children's Building
699 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3175

800-843-5678 (Voice - Toll-free, Voice (Information to public))
703-274-2200 (FAX)


The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) was established to address the issues created by the problem of missing children, especially their criminal and sexual exploitation. NCMEC's technical staff of former law enforcement officers provides assistance to individuals, groups, agencies, and governments in locating and returning missing children; develops technical assistance packets on searching techniques and action plans for parents; and disseminates materials from other organizations on preventing and dealing with non-custodial parental abductions. NCMEC also assists law enforcement agencies with investigation techniques and provides education programs for parents, schools, law enforcement agencies, and other organizations.

Online Resources

Print Resources

The Center publishes 168 books and brochures for parents and professionals regarding child safety and the dangers of kidnapping and exploitation to children and runaways.

Related Topics

Review Date

Wed Mar 29, 2006