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National Association for Children of Alcoholics - NACoA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

11426 Rockville Pike
Suite 301
Rockville, MD 20852

888-554-COAS (Voice - Toll-free, N/A)
301-468-0985 (Voice)
301-468-0987 (FAX, N/A)


The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1983 to support and serve as a resource about children of alcoholics (COAs) of all ages. The association's goals are to join with others of like concerns to create more effective services in communities, to increase public awareness, and to provide training for those who want to help children of alcoholics. NACoA operates a national children of alcoholics clearinghouse for information.

Print Resources

Serial publications: The NACoA Network (newsletter), bi-monthly--news on research, resources, and developments in the field of COAs.

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Review Date

Mon Mar 27, 2006